HANSEATIC Slovakia, s.r.o., (Ltd.), with its registered
office at Sabinovská 8, 821 08
Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Company Registration Number: 31 387 560
Article I – General Provisions
1 - These General Commercial Terms and Conditions of the Forwarder (hereinafter referred
to as “GCTC of Forwarder“) are issued by the company HANSEATIC Slovakia, s.r.o. (Ltd.),
with the aim to regulate rights and duties of the Contracting Parties related to the Forwarding
Contract (hereinafter referred to as “Contract of Forwarding” ) which is concluded between
the company HANSEATIC Slovakia, s.r.o. (Ltd.), with its registered office at Sabinovská 8,
821 08 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Company Registration Number: 31 387 560, registered
with the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section Sro, Insert No
8257/B (hereinafter referred to as “Forwarder“) and physical entity, legal entity and other
legal subjects, that are entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as “Principal“). The Principal
while concluding and performing the Contract of Forwarding shall act within its business
activities. The Subject of the Contract of Forwarding is a regulation of mutual rights and
duties of the Contracting Parties originating from the arranging the transport of the shipment
2 - Transport of a shipment means either national or international transportation of a
National (inland) Transport of a shipment means transportation of a shipment when the place
of taking of the shipment and the predicted place of its delivery (hereinafter referred to as
"Destination") are situated within one state.
International Transport of a shipment means transportation of a shipment when the place of
taking of the shipment and the place of its delivery are situated within two different states.
3 - According to the Contract of Forwarding, the Forwarder shall be bound to the Principal to
arrange shipment from the certain place of taking of the shipment to a certain other place of
destination and the Principal shall undertake to pay remuneration to it/him.
4 - These GCTC of Forwarder are an integral part of the Contract of Forwarding concluded
between the Forwarder and the Principal (hereinafter referred to as “Contracting Parties").
Derogated provisions of the Contract of Forwarding shall prevail over the provisions of the
GCTC of Forwarder. Any deviations from the GCTC of Forwarder shall be agreed between
the Contracting Parties in the written form, otherwise they shall be considered as void.
5 - Legal relationships resulting from the Contract of Forwarding shall be governed by the Act
No. 513/1991, Coll., Commercial Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "Commercial
Code"), especially by the part XIII, Forwarding contract, the wording of other legal regulations
of the Slovak Republic and by these GTC of Forwarder, as well as the General Freight
Forwarder Terms and Conditions of the Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of
the Slovak Republic. In case of conflict between the provisions of the General Freight
Forwarder Terms and Conditions of the Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of
the Slovak Republic and the GTC of Forwarder, the provisions of these GTC of Forwarder
take precedence over the provisions of the General Freight Forwarder Terms and Conditions
of the Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of the Slovak Republic.
6 - The Principal shall be obligated, before conclusion of the Contract of Forwarding, get
familiar with the GCTC of Forwarder. These GCTC of Forwarder shall be applied to all
contractual relations between the Forwarder l and the Principal related to the arrangement of
the Transport of the shipment, namely from the time of conclusion of the Contract of
Forwarding until the moment of complete fulfilment of all obligations which result from the
Contract of Forwarding for the Contracting Parties, or otherwise relate. By conclusion of the
Contract of Forwarding the Principal shall be bound by the GCTC of Forwarder and
expresses agreement with them. The agreement with these the GCTC of Forwarder may be
expressed also in other ways, especially through electronic communication between the
Contracting Parties.
7 - After acceptance of these Commercial Terms and Conditions of the Forwarder, all future
legal relations between the Contracting Parties shall be governed by these Commercial
Terms and Conditions of the Forwarder.
8 - The Commercial Terms and Conditions of the Forwarder shall be applied only if the
Forwarder expressly accepted, in written form within the Contract of Forwarding, that the
Commercial Terms and Conditions of the Principal shall take precedence over the GCTC of
Forwarder. Otherwise, the GCTC of Forwarder shall prevail over the wording of the
Commercial Terms and Conditions of the Principal.
9 - The Forwarder shall be entitled continuously update or modify the GCTC of Forwarder.
All changes, additions, or Full version of the updated GCTC of Forwarder shall the Forwarder
always issue in written form and appropriately publish on its website.
10 - In case of invalidity of any provision of the GCTC of Forwarder or the Contract of
Forwarding, their other provisions will not be affected by the nullity in question. The
Contracting Parties shall replace an invalid provision of the GCTC of Forwarder or the
Contract of Forwarding by a new provision which most closely approximates the intention of
the Contracting Parties agreed during conclusion of the Contract of Forwarding.
11 - If a provision of the GCTC of Forwarder specifies the written form for a certain action, it
shall be deemed to be observed even if the act was made in electronic form.
12 - The Contracting Parties expressly agree that transport, which shall be arranged by the
Forwarder for the Principal under the Contract of Forwarding, can be carried out by the by
the Forwarder on its own. In that case, the contractual relationship between the Contracting
Parties shall be considered as a contractual relationship under the Contract of Transport
(hereinafter referred to as "Contract of Transport"), in which the position of the Principal will
be as a Consigner and the Forwarder as a Carrier. In such case, the mutual relationships
between the Principal as the Consigner and the Forwarder as the Carrier shall be governed
by the Act No. 513/1991, Coll., Commercial Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as
"Commercial Code"), other legislation of the Slovak Republic and accordingly to these GCTC
of the Forwarder, whereas in order to use these GCTC of the Forwarder shall be the
Principal as the Consigner and the Forwarder as the Carrier and the Contract of Forwarding
as the Contract of Transport.
Article II – Forwarding order and Conclusion of the Contract of Forwarding
1 - The Contract of Forwarding shall be concluded between the Contracting Parties upon
placement of the Forwarding order (hereinafter referred to as "Order") by the Principal a
specimen of which forms an integral part of these GCTC of the Forwarder as Annex No. 1
and its acceptance by the Forwarder.
2 - Order means a unilateral legal act by the Principal directed to the Forwarder aimed to
perform Transport of the shipment by the Forwarder. A received Order is considered as a
draft of the Contract of Forwarding. Acceptance of the Order shall be deemed to be the
conclusion of the contract.
3 - The Principal shall be obliged to send the order to the Forwarder in writing, via e-mail or
fax, and the Order shall contain the following information:
a/ Identification data of the Principal: trade name, registered office/seat, Company
Registration Number, Tax Identification Number, the person authorized to negotiate about
Transport of shipment,
b / Specification of the shipment of the Transport which has to be arranged by the Forwarder
(specification of shipment means designation of its type, placing its dimensions, weight,
quantity/number of pieces, type of packaging, possibly its specific marking)
c / Marking the place of loading
d / Date of performance of the shipment loading
e / Marking the place of unloading
f / Date of performance of the shipment unloading
g / Price of Transport
h / The Principal ʹ s specific requirements related to the shipment Transport, if any.
4 - A draft of the Contract ("Order") shall be considered as properly accepted, if the
Forwarder confirms the Order in written form. Without a accepted Order, the Forwarder is not
obliged to arrange shipment or to provide the Principal with any other service in connection
with the shipment.
5 - The person sending the Order of Transport Arrangement declares that he/she is duly
authorized, mandated or delegated by the empowered person to conclude the Contract of
Forwarding. In case of falsity of this declaration, the person sending the Order of Transport
Arrangement shall be responsible for any possible damages incurred due to void conclusion
of this Contract or invalidly agreed contractual terms and conditions under this draft. In
accordance with the preceding sentence, the person concurrently declares, that if the
Principal on whose behalf it is acting, does not pay a financial obligation arising in respect of
those accepted GCTC of the Forwarder, the person will cover the particular financial
obligation as guarantee.
6 - Upon acceptance of the Transport Order (arranging of it), the Contract of Forwarding
shall be considered to be properly concluded, and the Forwarder undertakes to arrange the
ordered Transport for the Principal according to the agreed terms and conditions.
7 - After accepting the Order, the Forwarder shall be entitled to require from the Principal an
advanced payment up to 80% of the agreed price of the Transport. The Forwarder shall
properly confirm receipt of the advanced payment and issue the required tax documents or
the other documents (e.g. pro forma invoice).
8 - The Contracting Parties shall be bound by the concluded Contract of Forwarding and they
are not entitled to terminate it unilaterally, unless the provisions of the Contract of
Forwarding, the GCTC of the Forwarder or generally binding legal regulation stipulate
9 - The Forwarder is entitled to require the Principal to issue a written Order to procure
carriage within 12 hours of receipt of the Forwarder's request pursuant to this clause of the
GCTC of the Forwarder, unless the Forwarding Contract is in writing.
10 - The Forwarder shall provide performance of the ordered Transport by conclusions of
necessary contracts with carriers, or among forwarders. The Forwarder is entitled to organise
the shipment at his own discretion, including his own choice of the means of carriage of the
goods as well as his own choice of the carrier
11 - Evidence about the conclusion of the Contract of Forwarding is a bill of lading, or CMR
way-bill. The bill of lading shall be issued in three original copies, which shall include the
stamp and signature of the Consigner and the Carrier too. One copy of the bill of lading is
assigned for the Consigner, one copy for the Carrier, and one copy shall accompany the
consignment during transit. If the bill of lading is missing, or it is insufficient, or is lost, than
such fact does not affect the existence or the validity of the concluded Contract of
Forwarding at all.
12 - If it is necessary to load the transported shipment on several vehicles, or in case of
different types or separate parts of the shipment, the Principal or the Forwarder shall be
entitled to require issue of as many bills of lading as many vehicles are needed to be used,
or as many types or separate parts of the shipment have to be loaded.
13 - The Principal shall be responsible for filling-in the bill of lading, or CMR way-bill. The
Principal shall be responsible for the accuracy of the particular information contained in it,
even in case, where the relevant data, at the Principal’s request, or the Consigner of the
shipment, are listed into the bill of lading, or CMR way-bill, by the Carrier performing the
Transport arranged by the Forwarder.
14 - ) The Forwarder is entitled to refuse to arrange shipment of:
- goods if their transport or storage is prohibited in the Slovak Republic or in the countries
through which the goods are to be transported,
- goods containing pornographic material,
- blood and/or blood derivatives,
- live animals and organisms, biological material,
- dangerous goods,
- goods for the carriage of which a specific authorisation is required,
- combustibles, chemicals, medicines, drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances,
- any waste,
- weapons,
- banknotes, coins and securities,
- perishable goods.
Article III – Rights and Duties of Contracting Parties
1 The Principal shall be obliged to complete all required data of the bill of lading.
Furthermore, the Principal shall be obliged to properly identify the quantity, weight and nature
of the shipment and recipient of the shipment. The Principal shall be obliged to provide an
appropriate package for the transported shipment and appropriately to fix it, but especially to
store the load on the vehicle safely. In case that the Transport is under the Forwarding
Contract arranged for the Principal’ Customer, it shall be obliged to inform the Customer i.e.
the person for which the Principal arranges the shipment Transport via the Forwarder
hereinafter referred to as "Customer", and in case that the Transport is provided directly for
the Principal, than the Principal and the Customer are semantically synonymous ergo
identical entity about the safe fixing of the shipment at the vehicle.
2 In case, that during the loading the Forwarder through the Carrier, which participate in it,
finds out that the shipment does not meet the conditions for packaging and/or labelling of
goods, it shall be entitled to refuse the Transport. In case, that the Principal confirms to the
Forwarder the particular reservation about packaging and/or labelling of the shipment
recorded in the bill of lading, the loading shall be properly performed.
3 The Forwarder through the Carrier performing the arranged Transport does not check
whether the shipment by its nature requires a packaging, or if the used packaging is suitable.
The Principal shall be responsible for damages caused to persons, on operating devices or
other consignments, by faulty or inadequate packaging during Transport, as well as any
costs arising out because of this reason.
4 The Principal shall be obliged to ensure that the consignment holds properties that were
agreed by the Contracting Parties within the Contract of Forwarding, alternatively, within the
accepted Order. In case, that the Forwarder finds out during the loading that the shipment
which has to be transported apparently does not meet specific features, which have been
defined within the Contract of Forwarding, or within the accepted Order namely e.g. that the
consignment is having apparently larger sizes than those specified within the Contract of
Forwarding, or within the Order, or it is a completely different kind of consignment, or in case
of a higher quantity of the particular shipment etc., the Forwarder shall be entitled to refuse
the arrangement of Transport of such shipment. Alternatively, the Transport of the shipment
will be performed in an amount, which was agreed. Any costs associated with delivery of
vehicles for loading, delay of the vehicle during loading detention charges in the amount of
200 Euros for every started hour of delay, or other costs in connection with a of this
obligation of the Principal incurred to the Forwarder, the Principal shall be obliged to
reimburse to the Forwarder.
5 The Forwarder shall be entitled through the Carrier performing the arranged Transport at
any time to check examine the weight of the shipment, especially if the Forwarder has
doubts about the correctness of the data from the Principal. The Forwarder will record the
results from the examination into the bill of lading. Costs related to the examination of the
weight of the shipment shall be paid by the Principal if it asked for the finding of the shipment
weight within the Contract of Forwarding or where the shipment weight founded out is higher
more than 3% than the weight specified by the Principal. When examination about the weight
was requested by the Consignee recipient, then the Consignee recipient shall be
obligated to pay costs associated with the checking the shipment weight. In case that during
the examination of the shipment weight is found out that the weight of the shipment exceeds
the weight indicated by the Principal, then the Principal shall be obligated to pay to the
Forwarder a contractual penalty in amount of to 10% from the agreed price of the arranging
of the Transport for every 10% of the weight of the shipment which is higher than the price
stated by the Forwarder within the Contract of Forwarding, or within the accepted Order.
6 If the Principal, without giving notification to the Forwarder, during loading the shipment
on the vehicle exceeds the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle, combination of
vehicles, trailer, or the maximum permitted weight falling on the axle of the vehicle, then any
possible sanctions given to the Forwarder in connection with this overload, shall be
obligatory paid in full amount by the Principal to the Forwarder.
7 The Principal shall be obliged to manage properly - in cooperation with the Customer the loading and the unloading, possibly the custom clearance in the Destination and/or with
delivery unloading of the consignment to the Destination and in the time agreed. The
Principal therefore shall be committed to manage the proper, safe and timely operation of
loading, custom clearance and unloading of the shipment. In case of this duty, the Principal
shall be obliged to pay to the Forwarder a contractual penalty for detention in the amount of
200 Euros for every started hour of delay, which arose because of a of its obligation. The
Principal shall be obliged to pay to the Forwarder a contractual penalty in amount of 10
Euros for each kilometre travelled extra, that the Carrier performing the Transport arranged
by the Forwarder made because of failure to comply with the Destination of loading, customs
clearance, or unloading of the transported shipment by the Principal.
8 The Principal shall be obliged to provide all necessary papers and documents for the
loading, custom clearance and unloading of the shipment. The Principal shall be obliged to
pass these papers and documents on the Forwarder, alternatively on the Carrier performing
the Transport arranged, in the latest, during handing-over the transported shipment. In the
case of breach of this duty the Principal shall be obliged to pay to the Forwarder a
contractual penalty in the amount of 100 Euros for every started hour delay, which was
therefore occurred to the Carrier performing the arranged Transport. Unless the Contracting
Parties within the Contract of Forwarding agree otherwise, “Time Delay” of the Principal
means the time since the required vehicle is furnished for loading, alternatively unloading, up
to the beginning of loading or unloading, and each interruption of these works not caused by
the Forwarder, alternatively by the Carrier performing the arranged Transport, including an
issue of necessary documents for the shipment.
9 In general, loading is provided by the Principal and unloading is provided by Consignee
recipient of the shipment, unless the Principal with Forwarder agree expressly otherwise. A
vehicle crew has no obligation to ensure loading and unloading of the shipment. The Carrier
performing the arranged Transport shall perform the loading or the unloading of the vehicle
only if the Contracting Parties have expressly agreed with it within the Contract of
Forwarding, and if an extra charge to the price of transportation has been agreed. The
Principal is responsible for the proper unloading of the consignment by the Consignee. The
Principal is also responsible for ensuring that the carrier is able to attend the loading and
unloading and is able to make a record photo/video of the loading and unloading. The
Principal is responsible for ensuring that the Consignee checks the condition of the
consignment and its packaging at unloading and that the Consignee records any
reservations about the condition of the consignment delivered on the bill of lading. The
Principal and the Consignor are obliged to hand over the consignment only to the carrier who
has been authorised to carry out the carriage and, before the actual loading is carried out,
they are obliged to verify that the carrier who takes over the consignment is the carrier who
has been authorised to carry out the carriage and is designated as the Forwarder. In case of
doubt, the Principal or the Consignor are obliged to verify the identity of the carrier by
contacting the Forwarder directly.
10 The Carrier performing the Transport arranged by the Forwarder shall be obligated to
participate while the loading, and possibly coordinate the distribution of the load on the
vehicle, and also from the aspect of the Transport safety during the Transport. If the
Principal, alternatively the Customer does not follow instructions given by the Carrier, and
consequently causes an error in loading, especially in overloading of the vehicle, the Carrier
performing the arranged Transport shall be entitled to ask for transfer displacement of the
particular load on the vehicle, or a removal of the load or its parts. If the Principal,
alternatively the Customer does not follow the Carrier’s call, the Forwarder shall be entitled to
refuse arranging of the Transport, or to manage proper composition, alternatively removal of
the load at the Principal’s expense and risk.
11 The Principal that performs the loading, respectively the Consignee recipient that
performs unloading of the shipment shall be obligated to ensure avoiding any damage on the
vehicle. If the Principal cause damage to the Carrier’s vehicle during the loading, alternatively
the Consignee causes damage during unloading, it/he shall be obligated to reimburse the
damage in full amount.
12 If during loading, unloading or transportation of the shipment the Carrier's vehicle
becomes more unclean, the Principal shall be obliged to arrange cleaning of the vehicle at its
own expense. If this obligation is not fulfilled, the Carrier shall arrange cleaning of the vehicle
at the Principal’s expense.
13 Any reservations about the way of loading, unloading, or transhipment the Forwarder
shall raise to the Principal, the Consignee recipient, or to other persons in the form of
written reservation via e-mail after the performance of the Transport without any delay.
14 The Forwarder shall be obligated to conduct its business in accordance with agreed
terms with professional care and with high quality. Under these obligations, the Forwarder
shall be obligated especially to take care about the given shipment as well as about the
things that the Forwarder took in connection with the shipment such as e.g. documents
relating to the shipment, etc. if the Forwarder carries them with it/him.
15 During the arrangement of the Transport the Forwarder shall be obliged to follow the
Principal's instructions. If the Forwarder has not received any necessary instructions from the
Principal, the Forwarder is required to ask for their completing. If in connection with
requesting or fulfilling the instructions some expenses are incurred to the Forwarder, the
Forwarder has the right for their refunding in full amount, unless such expenditure incurred
because of the Forwarder’s fault. Despite of a danger of delay, the Forwarder shall be
obligated to continue the transportation even without these instructions therefore to protect
interests of the Principal mostly. In case of evident incorrectness of the Principal's
instructions or theirs contrary to valid legislation, which is the Forwarder obliged to follow, the
Forwarder shall be obliged to notify the Principal of this fact. If the Principal still insists on to
follow these instructions, which may cause the damage, the Forwarder shall be entitled to
refuse arranging of the Transport, whereby the Principal shall be obliged to pay to the
Forwarder all costs incurred in connection with this situation. The Forwarder is entitled to
deviate from the instructions of the Principal, in order to protect the interests of the Principal,
at any risk of damage or delay.
16 The Principal is not entitled to charge any additional costs incurred because of
unjustified detention of the Carrier’s vehicle, car accident or other obstacle that could
interfere the proper performance of Transport, if such barrier did not happened as a fault of
the Forwarder, alternatively the Carrier performing the arranged Transport. The Principal and
the Forwarder shall be obliged to provide the proper synergy, which - in these cases - is
necessary for the proper arrangement as well as performance of the agreed Transport.
17 The Forwarder shall be entitled to arrange the Transport with the support or by using a
third party – inter-forwarder - with no restriction
18 The Principal shall be obligated to inform the Forwarder immediately about any risk of
the damage occurrence, as well as about other circumstances affecting the proper
performance of the Contract of Forwarding by the Forwarder. In case of the damage
occurrence, the Principal in conjunction with the Forwarder shall be bound to take essential
actions and provide the necessary professional care that the damage was minimal and shall
immediately inform the Forwarder about all circumstances that may affect the amount of
19 The Forwarder shall not be liable in any way for the performance of the carriage or for
any damage to the shipment arising during carriage. During the carriage of the shipment, the
carrier is directly responsible for any damage to the shipment, therefore the Principal is
obliged to claim damages directly from the carrier. In the event that the Principal makes a
claim for damage to the shipment directly with the Forwarder, the Forwarder will only mediate
between the Principal and the carrier on the basis of the documents delivered to it by the
20 The Forwarder shall be entitled to open the shipment even without the Principal's
consent if:
- the shipment cannot be delivered to the intended recipient and cannot be returned to the
- it is suspected that the contents of the shipment are dangerous goods or goods the carriage
of which is not authorised for any reason,
- the packaging of the shipment is damaged or the shipment shows signs of damage,
- such an obligation is imposed on the Forwarder by a generally binding legal regulation or
the forwarding contract.
21 If the Consignee of the shipment is not present at the place of unloading, the Consignee
cannot be traced, the Consignee refuses to accept the shipment, the Forwarder is obliged to
notify the Principal of this fact and to request instructions from the Principal for further action.
If the Principal does not promptly give such instructions to the Forwarder, or if instructions
cannot be obtained from the Principal, the Forwarder is entitled to arrange for the storage of
the shipment at the expense and risk of the Principal, of which it shall inform the Principal. If
for objective reasons the Forwarder is unable to inform the Principal of the storage of the
consignment within 30 days of non-acceptance of the shipment by the Consignee, or the
Principal has not instructed the storage, the Forwarder shall have the right to dispose of or
sell the shipment. The Freight Forwarder shall inform the Principal of the disposal or sale of
the shipment at least 10 days in advance. The costs associated with the disposal or sale of
the shipment shall be borne by the Principal. A shipment which cannot be stored due to its
nature may be disposed of or sold by the Forwarder without prior notice to the Principal.
22 Furthermore, the Principal shall be obliged to provide the Forwarder with full and truthful
information about the content of the shipment, about other facts necessary for conclusion of
the Contract of Transport as well as about possible known risks that could jeopardize the
safety of the transported consignment. In case of violation of this obligation the Principal shall
be obliged to pay a contractual penalty in the amount of 500 Euros for every individual
23 The Principal shall be obliged to perform loading of the shipment within the time defined
in the Order. If the loading is not performed on time, the Principal will delay. In case of the
Principal’s delay with performance of the loading, the Principal shall be obliged to pay to the
Forwarder a contractual penalty in the amount of 50 Euros for each starting hour of the
delay. In case of cancellation of the Transport by the Principal in the time period less than 24
hours before the term of the loading specified in the Order, the Principal shall be obliged to
pay to the Forwarder a contractual penalty in the amount of the agreed price for arranging
the Transport.
24 The Principal undertakes not to contact any third party through that the Forwarder
carries out the Transport beyond the obligations arising from the Contract of Forwarding,
unless this contact of the transportation provider with the Customer or the Principal was
justified by the already existing contractual relationship. The Principal undertakes to protect
the interests of the Forwarder as well as all the parties interested in the Transport and to
keep trade secrets. For infringement of the aforementioned obligations in this paragraph, a
contractual penalty in the amount of four times the remuneration agreed for the Transport
arrangement shall be imposed to the Principal.
25 In the case of the calculation and claims of the contractual penalty to the Principal, a
Forwarder’s claim for possible insurance remains unaffected. By setting up a claim for any
contractual penalty agreed in within the Contract of Forwarding and hence these GCTC of
Forwarder, the Forwarder’s right to claim damage compensation, that exceeds the invoiced
amount of the contractual penalty, remains unaffected.
26 In case of any obligations of the Principal according to the Contract of Forwarding, thus
also these GCTC of the Forwarder, which is secured by a contractual penalty, the Forwarder
shall be also obliged to set up only a claim for damage compensation against the Principal
without concurrent claim for contractual penalty. Solely the Forwarder shall be entitled to
choose if it/he will apply a claim for the contractual penalty in accordance with the Article III
paragraph 23 hereof, or it will claim for damage compensation.
27 The contractual penalty, or the damage compensation shall be payable the day after day
of its claiming against the other Contracting Party. The contractual penalty, or the damage
compensation shall be claimed in writing, so it will be evident the Contracting party’ intent.
The written form shall be considered to be met also if the action was made in electronic form.
The contractual penalty, or the damage compensation, are considered to be claimed on the
day following the day when the Contracting Party against which the possibility to claim the
contractual penalty or the damage compensation has been applied, had to inform about it.
28 The Principal is not entitled to ask for reimbursement of quantified damage, which
results from the infringement of an obligation under the Contract of Forwarding, namely
extending one fifth of the price agreed for the Transport arrangement. The Principal is not
entitled to ask for reimbursement of quantified damage extending one-fifth of the price
agreed for the Transport arrangement, nor during the cumulation of multiple claims arising
from this Contract.
29 Besides the agreed amount of remuneration, the Forwarder has the right to cover also
necessary and useful costs needed to fulfil the Forwarder’s obligations. The agreed amount
of the remuneration does not include parking fee during the loading, customs clearance,
unloading, alternatively taxes, duties or other costs that are not directly related to the
Transport, unless the Contracting parties expressly agree otherwise.
30 The Forwarder shall be entitled to get the remuneration after managing the Transport
arrangement by conclusions of the necessary contracts with carriers, or inter-forwarders, and
after sending a report to the Principal. The Forwarder is also entitled to reimbursement of
reasonable costs incurred by the Forwarder in connection with the arrangement of the
carriage on the basis of the Forwarding Contract.
31 As per the Contract, to secure the Forwarder’s claims, the Forwarder has lien on the
shipment until it/he can handle with it. The Forwarder shall exercise the lien by his own
means, including by means of a third party, by retaining the shipment. The Principal is
obliged to pay all costs for the care and protection of the shipment. If there are several liens
on the shipment, the Forwarder’s lien takes precedence over liens incurred before. The
forwarder is entitled to store the retained shipment in a third-party warehouse. The Principal
consents to the Forwarder entering into a storage contract with a third party in his own name
on the Principal's behalf for the retained consignment.
32 The Principal shall be obliged to pay the agreed remuneration for the Transport
arrangement upon invoice issued by the Forwarder and delivered to the Principal. The
remuneration for the Transport arrangement shall be payable within the day of Transport
33 The Forwarder is not responsible for the destruction, loss or damage to the shipment
when the destruction, loss or damage to the shipment is resulting from the inherent defect,
quality or nature of the shipment. The Forwarder is not liable for damage caused by the
Principal, the Consignee or the Sender, by defective or inadequate packaging of the
shipment as well as damage that occurred at a time when the Forwarder did not have the
shipment in his possession. The Forwarder shall not be liable for damage to the shipment if
the packaging of the shipment has not been damaged.
34 The Principal declares that for all the claims against the Principal in respect of the
performed transports, the limitation period shall be extended to 10 years from the time when
the limitation period began to run the first time.
35 The Principal shall be obliged not to disclose to any third party not involved in the
performance of the Forwarding Contract any information about the contents of the
Forwarding Contract or its annexes or any other documents or information relating to the
performance of the terms of the Forwarding Contract. The Principal shall be responsible for
the confidentiality of its employees or contractors in accordance with the obligation of
confidentiality set out in this clause of the GCTC of the Forwarder. In the event of a breach of
the obligation of confidentiality, the Forwarder is entitled to charge the Principal a contractual
penalty of EUR 5000,- for each individual breach.
36 The Principal shall be obliged to instruct the Forwarder to insure the shipment and to
specify the type of insurance, if insurance of the shipment is necessary and insurance is not
agreed in the Forwarding Contract. If insurance of the shipment has been agreed in the
Forwarding Contract and the Principal has not specified the type of insurance, the Forwarder
is entitled to insure the Shipment with basic standard shipment insurance, with the Forwarder
being the beneficiary of the insurance. The Principal agrees to reimburse the Forwarder for
all costs reasonably incurred in insuring the shipment. The Forwarder is entitled to set off
against the insurance claim all claims it has against the Principal, irrespective of the maturity
of the claim.
37 In the event that during the carriage of the shipment the circumstances under which the
carriage was to be carried out change and these changes allow the carriage to be carried out
under different conditions, the Forwarder shall be entitled to demand from the Principal a
correspondingly increased remuneration.
38 The Forwarder shall not be liable for any damage caused by force majeure "vis major",
i.e. an event or circumstance that is unforeseeable, uncontrollable and independent of the
will of the Forwarder or persons used by the Forwarder to fulfil its obligation under the
Forwarding Contract. An event or circumstance of force majeure shall be understood in
particular, but not exclusively
- natural disaster: earthquake, hurricane, flood, volcanic eruption, explosions and fires,
- war, military conflict, military operations, national and civil unrest, revolutions and terrorist
- strikes, embargoes,
- diseases, epidemics, pandemics,
i.e. events and circumstances beyond the control of the Contracting Parties and which are
unavoidable and insurmountable by the Contracting Parties and prevent the Contracting
Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Forwarding Contract. Force majeure shall
exclude the liability of the Forwarder for failure to perform its obligations under the
Forwarding Contract.
39 The Forwarder does not provide services, the subject of which is a shipment in the
process of claim or a shipment, the rights to which are disputed or contested by a third party.
The Principal declares that:
- the shipment is not under claim or has not been claimed by anyone for defects in the
- no third party objects to or claims any rights in the shipment
- the Consignee designated by the Principal agrees to accept the shipment and is prepared
to provide all assistance to accept the shipment and is not aware of any impediments to the
consignee's acceptance of the shipment
In the event that any statement made by the Principal pursuant to this clause of these GCTC
of the Forwarder proves to be false, the Principal shall be fully liable for any loss incurred by
the Forwarder in connection with said statements and shall pay to the Forwarder any costs
incurred by the Forwarder in connection with said statements made by the Principal.
40 If the Principal issues a transit declaration to the Forwarder, the Principal is obliged to
pay all costs and penalties associated with the non-delivery or delayed delivery of the
shipment to the relevant customs office as well as the incorrect delivery of documents
serving for the customs procedure pursuant to Act No.199/2004 Coll. Customs Act as well as
under Act No 222/2004 Coll. on value added tax. If the Forwarder also arranges import
clearance of the shipment for the Principal, the Principal is obliged to pay the customs debt in
full directly to the account of the relevant customs office within 10 days of the determination
of the customs debt. In the event of delay in payment of the customs debt, the Principal shall
be liable for default interest as well as penalties associated therewith.
41 All price quotations of the Forwarder are based on current tariffs, currency exchange
rates, payment and transport conditions and are non-binding until the conclusion of the
Forwarding Contract. All price quotations of the Forwarder are based on available and
calculated transport routes for the shipment. Price quotations are subject to the availability of
shipping and cargo space and the availability of empty shipping containers. Due to daily
fluctuations in fuel prices, all price quotations of the Forwarder are derived from the average
price of diesel as per the European Commission's Weekly Oil Bulletin on the day the
quotation is provided. The Forwarder shall be entitled to adjust the amount of the
consideration in the light of rising fuel prices. Standing, demurrage and detention charges,
handling costs, detention charges are not included in the freight charges and the Principal
undertakes to pay them according to the actual costs incurred.
42 If any transport restrictions arise after the shipment has been dispatched which cause
additional costs, e.g. for rerouting of transport, additional handling of the shipment, the
Principal is obliged to pay such costs and these costs are not part of the agreed transport
43 The Principal shall be obliged to pay other charges related to the carriage of the
consignment, which have arisen through no fault of the Forwarder and the amount of which
cannot be influenced by the Forwarder or were not apparent before the commencement of
the carriage.
Article IV - Final Provisions
1 According to the Contract of Forwarding the Principal is allowed to postpone its/his claims
against the Forwarder to a third party only with the express written consent of the Forwarder.
The Principal shall not be entitled to unilaterally set off any of its claims against the claims of
the Forwarder.
2 The Forwarder shall be entitled to unilaterally set off any payments already received
against the Principal's obligations, irrespective of the invoice received by the Forwarder. The
Principal hereby agrees to the unilateral set-off by the Forwarder also in cases of
counterclaims for contractual penalties and damages. The Forwarder's right of withdrawal
from the forwarding contract is not affected.
3 Any possible disputes arising between the Contracting Parties in connection with the
concluded Contract of Forwarding shall the Contracting Parties try to resolve especially in the
form of amicable settlement.
4 All legal relationships arising between the Contracting Parties under the Contract of
Forwarding including relations connected to the Contract of Forwarding shall be always
governed by the legislation of the Slovak Republic and by international treaties, which take
precedence over the legislation of the Slovak Republic United Nations Convention on the
Carriage of Goods by Sea - the Hamburg Rules applicable to sea transport, Convention for
the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air - the Montreal Convention
applicable to air transport, The Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail - COTIF
applicable to rail transport, Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of
Goods by Road – CMR applicable to road transport. The law applicable shall be constantly
Slovak law. In the event that, pursuant to Act No. 97/1963 Coll. on Private International Law
and Procedure, as amended, pursuant to Council Regulation EC No. 44/2001 on
jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial
matters, or pursuant to any other rule of law, statute or international treaty governing the
jurisdiction of courts in disputes with a foreign element, the competent court is not the court
of the Slovak Republic, the competent court shall be the court of the place of the Forwarder's
registered office at the time of filing of the claim, as agreed by the Contracting Parties. Other
courts or arbitral tribunals are excluded from hearing and deciding disputes.
5 The Contracting Parties agree that, apart from those disputes which are expressly
excluded by the Act No. 244/2002 Coll. Act on Arbitration hereinafter referred to as “AA”, all
disputes arising out of legal relationships resulting from Forwarding Contract or related to
Forwarding Contract, including all ancillary legal relationships, claims for unjust enrichment,
damage compensation claims, disputes about the validity, interpretation, termination of
Forwarding Contract shall be submitted for decision exclusively to courts of Slovak Republic
6 To the extent that any provision of these GCTC of the Forwarder or any part thereof, or
the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is or becomes invalid or legally
ineffective for any reason, such invalidity or legal ineffectiveness shall not affect the
remaining provisions of these GCTC of the Forwarder.
7 These GCTC of Forwarder shall be issued in Slovak language and English language,
whereas both language versions are legally equivalent. In case of any uncertainty and
ambiguity, or a contradictory interpretation of the provisions of the GCTC of Forwarder in the
Slovak language and English language, business-contractual relations between the Principal
and the Forwarder shall be governed by the GCTC version of the Forwarder in the Slovak
8 These update GCTC of Forwarder come into effect and force on the day of 01.01.2025.
All amendments and supplements to the GCTC of Consigner become valid on the day when
they are published and make accessible on the website of the Forwarder.
Prepravíme čokoľvek, kamkoľvek
Hanseatic Slovakia pôsobí na slovenskom trhu od roku 1995. Spoločnosť sa v súčasnosti zaoberá zasielateľskou činnosťou v oblasti železničnej, kamiónovej, námornej, riečnej, leteckej a kombinovanej prepravy. Zároveň ponúka zbernú službu aj skladovanie. Neodmysliteľnou súčasťou našich služieb je komerčné pripoistenie prepravovaného tovaru a poistenie zodpovednosti zasielateľa.